contacting prospective graduate school advisors

I remember the intensity of deciding who to contact and my uncertainty around what to say to them. This post is a recap of what worked for me (Kristina). Some stats: I applied to three PhD programs, I was invited to all three for a campus visit, I received official offers from two of the three. Everyone has a unique grad school application experience, you should reach out to multiple people for advice as you embark on this process. Most importantly, you should start early

How early? I started contacting potential advisers in April 2016. I was applying for a Fall 2017 start date. I wanted to set up in person meetings with each potential adviser at a conference where I was presenting my undergraduate thesis results. This worked really well for me. I even eliminated some potential advisers based on weird in person interactions or after realizing our research interests were not well-aligned. After the conference, I maintained email contact with potential advisers throughout the application process. I asked them questions and updated them on my application status and recent awards/accomplishments.

What if they don't email me back? Professors get A LOT OF EMAILS. Your email may have ended up buried in their inbox, or they opened it and intend to reply but forgot. I waited two weeks to a month to send a follow up email. If they didn't reply to the follow up email, I scratched them off the potential adviser list! I'm convinced that your application experience, including communication with a potential adviser, is a reflection of your long-term interactions with that institution and adviser. 

What do I say? You HAVE TO HAVE DONE YOUR HOMEWORK! You should look at their faculty page to determine what their recent research interests are. They may have a separate research group website. If all else fails, look at their recent publication list on their CV. Take note of what interests you about what they work on and what doesn't. Be honest with yourself during this process. On their research website or faculty page, look for their current and previous students. Contact some of them and ask questions about their experience working under this adviser. Also, don't underestimate the power of just googling the professors name plus "geoscience", lots of additional information may pop up. Check out their ResearchGate and Google Scholar pages. DON'T ADD THEM ON FACEBOOK, it's just weird. Think about this investigative process as you are interviewing them for the job of advising your academic career (BECAUSE THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING), does it feel like the right fit to you? OK, so now you are feeling great about this adviser, their research excites you, and their students have great things to say about them, you are ready to reach out. Receiving emails the length of this blog post SUCKS! Even as a grad student, I have a hard time getting through a long email, and half the time I don't even read it if the point of the email isn't immediately evident to me. Keep it concise while also demonstrating who you are. Here is the rough outline I used to email potential advisers: 

Subject line: Undergraduate student from XYZ University, interested in joining XYZ research group



I am contacting you with interest in discussing upcoming projects within the XYZ research group. I am intrigued by your work in [insert one of their current research topics that interest you].

I am in the final year of my B.S. of XYZ at XYZ University. My undergraduate [research and/or internship] experience have motivated me to pursue my [masters or doctorate] degree. My ultimate goal is a career in [industry, academia, national lab, state or federal survey, etc].

Here is a brief summary of my [qualifications or background] (make it brief, I mean super brief, just the catchy stuff you are most proud of. They can read your coursework off your CV or your transcript)

B.S. XYZ, XYZ University (GPA ###/4.00)

Intern, XYZ


I welcome the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and research interests over the phone. I have attached my CV for your consideration. 

My best, 


Obviously edit this template so it sounds more like YOU. Alternatively, end this email by mentioning an upcoming conference you are presenting at and that you would like to meet them there for a coffee or have them come to your poster/talk should they be attending (huge points!). 

Our email exchange was kind of awkward, what should I do? Intention and tone of voice frequently get lost in email exchange. If you are really jazzed about this person's research, you should request a phone call (or better yet, a video chat!). Obviously, you are going to have to have something to say to them. Prepare some questions on their research interests, advising style, the department they are in etc. If the call awkward as **beep** I think you have your answer! How are you going to work with that person for 2-3 (MS) or 4-6 (PhD) years? Having a strained relationship with your adviser is quite literally the worst. Keep looking. Good thing you started early, eh?

I'm not having any luck hearing back, what do I do now? People you already know are your BEST resource. Students you know that went on to grad school: email them and ask for recommendations on potential advisers to contact. Ask them if they feel comfortable sending an email introduction to that professor with you CC'd. Talk to your current professors: They know lots of other professors in their discipline, they can help you meet people and make introductions. Go to annual meetings (AAPG, GSA, AGU, IAS, etc.), and introduce yourself to people. Make a business card that has links to a webpage with your CV and your LinkedIn account (here is mine as an example).  Remember, even as a scientist, you have to brand yourself. Who are you? What do you want to do? Why does that excite you? Why are you the best candidate to do that work?

Start with a big list of potential advisers and whittle it down based on your interactions (or lack of interactions) with them. Starting early means if you aren't having any luck, you still have time to think about what you can do to make yourself a more desirable candidate.  

Good luck, and comment/message us with questions!

Kristina - futurerockdoc team lead

additional resources

How to Email a Research Professor - UCSC

How to get into graduate school - The Geoscience Empowerment Network