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Managing your Mental Health during your PhD: A Survival Guide
by Zoë J. Ayres (@ZJAyres)
*about to be released! click on image to pre-order
follow @lizandmollie for more additional graphics on the emotions of work. Also their awesome book No Hard Feelings is a great desk buddy!
Emotional exhaustion — the fatigue that comes from caring too much, for too long
Depersonalization — the depletion of empathy, caring, and compassion
Decreased sense of accomplishment — an unconquerable sense of futility or feeling that nothing you do makes any difference.
For the burned out, fried, and exhausted - Ten Percent Happier Podcast with Emily and Amelia Nagoski
Burnout: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle - Unlocking Us Podcast with Emily and Amelia Nagoski
impostor syndrome
feeling like you don’t belong, that you will be found out, that you are a fraud despite your accomplishments, that your successes are due to luck or a mistake
Impostor Syndrome - The Professor is In Podcast
stress: the demands of your situation exceed your resources to cope
7-day short course (free with app trial)
“You can’t change the fact that life is stressful, but you can change how you respond to it. We’ve brought together some of the world’s top stress-reduction experts to offer you practical tools to bounce back from stress with more clarity, perspective, and energy to move you toward your goals.”
Why we need to talk more about mental health in graduate school - The Chronicle of Higher Education
The mental health of PhD researchers demands urgent attention - Nature
Is graduate school taking a toll on my mental health? - GoGrad
I wish I’d taken my mental health more seriously in grad school - Science
Graduate school taking a toll on your mental health? You’re not alone - astrobites
This is a work in progress! Peer-reviewed papers on mental health in academia.