A community built database of geoscientists of color - including institution, research field, and research website: cite, invite, promote!

Geoscience communities supporting and empowering geoscientists from all backgrounds and identities:

#BlackInGeoscience EGU blog post with bio’s of black geoscientists and their Twitter handles!

black grad mentors program - free one hour grad school application consultation for black prospective graduate students


additional communities for black geoscientists: National Association of Black Geoscientists (@NABGSocial), Black Geoscientists

Earth and Environmental Science Jobs tenure track, non-tenure track, postdocs, PhD positions and more

Resources regarding women + science


A community for the empowerment of Latinas in the Earth and Planetary Sciences


additional communities for latinas/latinxs in geoscience: SOLESS (@GeoSpaceLatinx), Latinx in the Marine Sciences (@LatinxMarineSCI)

a community that supports AAPIs within geosciences


the international association for geoscience diversity

promoting inclusion for students, faculty and professional geoscientists with disabilities




Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science


additional communities for Native Americans in geoscience: Geoscience Alliance

additional communities: Minorities in Polar Research (@PolarImpact), Diverse Geologists (@DiverseGeos), Pride in Polar Science Network (@PridePolar)